Tuition and Fees

Monthly Tuition for 2024-2025 School Year

Initial Enrollment Fee

Re-Enrollment Fee for Enrolled Families

$985 (Charged August-May)


$200 (Applied to August tuition)

Please note the following:

  • Insight Collective Academy is open based on the South Pasadena Unified School District calendar.

  • We are closed on all major holidays, pupil-free days, and school breaks.

  • Due to our limited enrollment, the monthly tuition provides a reserved space and full access to Insight Collective Academy Monday-Thursday from 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm and Friday from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Your child can join the afterschool program as much or as little as they’d like. There are no price adjustments for missing days, holidays, school breaks, or pupil-free days.


What’s Included?

Academic support, social-emotional learning & executive functioning skill building with a focus on wellness

We’re different than any other after-school program! We go beyond getting homework done—we support your child’s growth by understanding their unique learning profile so we can tailor our approach as they learn new concepts. We teach and practice executive functioning skills so your child learns the strategies to stay organized, communicate effectively, and reach their goals. We want every child to thrive academically and feel successful, but our focus isn’t just on grades. We’re looking after the whole child and our future world citizens. Our program integrates daily opportunities for wellness through social-emotional group learning, mindfulness practices, and nurturing a growth mindset.

Twice Yearly Academic Testing ($2500+ value)

We assess where your child is at the beginning of the school year, and again at the end of the year. In our initial parent meeting, we discuss strengths and weaknesses and make goals for the school year. By understanding your child’s profile from the beginning, we know how to work best with your child and in what areas they need extra support. When we re-assess your child, we can measure the progress made over the school year and help you plan opportunities for growth over the summer.

Weekly program planning & consulting with Dr. Boxer

Our Education Director meets every week with Dr. Boxer to plan program activities, make adjustments, and develop strategies to maximize each learner’s success in the program and at school. Dr. Boxer brings his years of clinical expertise and insight working with kids of all backgrounds to create targeted and effective interventions.

School liaison & collaboration

Our Education Director collaborates directly with your child’s school to stay up to date on your child’s needs and progress. This direct two-way line of communication between our program and your child’s educators allows us to adjust our goals as needed and provide classroom strategies to them as well in order to maximize your child’s learning.

Discounted 1:1 academic coaching sessions outside of Academy hours

Our program was designed to work with kids in a low ratio, but sometime kids need more intensive support. Academy members receive $25 off individual academic coaching sessions if your child could benefit from additional help in a subject area, needs extra support in building executive functioning skills, or would like extra practice.


Services Available for Additional Fee

IEP Meeting or School Meeting Attendance (billed at each provider’s hourly rate)

Consultation with Dr. Boxer or Elaine Ricci outside of Academy hours (billed at each provider’s hourly rate)

Insight Collective Services (assessment, therapy, social skills classes, academic coaching, neurofeedback, speech therapy, mindfulness coaching)